The school shooting in Newtown CT happened to our kids, to our teachers. The loss is too deep, it can’t be understood, but what we must do in their memory and in the name of rightness and reason is to draw a line in the sand and say, No More. Everyone can do something. People can adopt a school and work to make it secure. People can look no further than their own families, their own children, and honestly ask, are we watching, reading, playing games with too many violent images? We’re going to stop. Colossal tragedy enlarges the heart, we must step out, everybody, and look for ways to help others. What do we want to leave for our kids? What do we want to leave for the world? What happened on Friday morning was evil. Edmund Burke said, “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” May we be deliberate about this and insist that this impossible attack make us better, deeper, truer people. May we act now in small and big ways, may we show our kids we’re serious about entering into the enormity of this crisis.