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November 05, 2012



What a WONDERFUL post and story, Joan! I too applaud everyone involved -- the project girls, their parents, and their teacher.

Also wanted to cheer *you* -- I'm behind on my NY Times Book Reviews and have just thrilled to the Sept 16 review of 'Almost Home' and its praise for your work. Can't wait to read it myself.

Take care xxoo C and C across the Pond

Marla White (Sierra Bloom's mom)

I am one of the project girls parents.. They made the cupcakes and dyed the aprons here at my house.. They got 100%.. I am so proud of them and thank you for inspiring them. My daughter is so happy to have seen your blog. Thank you so much for replying and not just shrugging them off.


Joan I give you a standing ovation because even though your busy with books you took the time to do this for and write back and then you made a blog about this..wow Joan you have amazing personalities..

never stop writing,
Sierra aka project girl
(one of them)

Joan Bauer

Sierra, so good to hear from you and Im glad you liked the post. You did a super job on your project and something like that should be recognized -- Joan

Joan Bauer

Marla -- Youve got one special girl there. It was my absolute pleasure to work with her. I do hope your sink survived. -- Joan

Sierra Bloom

Joan you are a major inspiration for me....You are a rolemodel. A complete rolemodel. Without your book and you as an author I dont know what I would do.... You write amazing and I can just connect with the characters....
aka project girl

Joan Bauer

Sierra -- you made my day with this. Do you know what I appreciate about you most? Your heart -- its wonderful and warm. You let people know who you are and you are so generous with your praise. You are going to touch a lot of people in this world, Sierra. Joan Bauer

Sierra Bloom

I hope i can come meet you one day. You are an inspiration

Sierra Bloom


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